It is now playing DONKEY KONG TROPICAL FREEZE in its latest update of 1.7.2b a. La estrategia de Nintendo de remasterizar y volver a publicar sus títulos first party de Wii U sigue dando frutos, con el Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze de Retro Studios ofreciendo excelentes resultados en su transición a Switch. For now, the Wii U version remains available on physical media at around $30 in North America. This EmuNation is all about the Cemu Emulator for the Nintendo Wii-U Console. Maybe it’ll pop back up, say, a week after the Switch port has been out? I’ll circle back then and update. There’s still a lot of unaccounted for space between all of these dates so I’m going to wait before adding the game to the site in case this was all a big mistake. The latest capture that shows the download was available is from all the way back in October of 2017. The last capture from February 25th is missing any reference to the eShop version. While the thinking is that the game was delisted in a nefarious push to get consumers to buy the more expensive Switch port, shows it may have been removed a while ago. DEVELOPER: Monster Games, Retro Studios. Side-scrolling 2.5D platform game Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was created by Retro Studios and Monster Games for the Wii U. The game is still available to download from both Nintendo Europe and Japan. Platform game Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was created by Retro Studios and released by Nintendo for the Wii U in 2014. I did a quick check and, sure enough, the “Buy Digital” link has been removed… but only in North America. If you want to help expand our database, you can upload a link to this website to download a user manual or service manual, ideally in.

Leading up to the May 4th release of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze on the Switch, one redditor decided to revisit the original title on Wii U this week and found it was missing from the eShop.