How to fix the “ scanning and repairing drive”issue in Windows 10? You may often get some big surprises each time after a Windows 10 update. Next, the Repair-Volume cmdlet uses the -FileSystemLabel switch to designate the "System Reserved" volume and the -OfflineScanAndFix switch indicates the volume should be taken offline and scanned in full.Fix Stuck "Scanning and Repairing Drive" in Windows 10 As the output indicates, the volume bearing the "System Reserved" label has no drive letters. The first command, Get-Volume gives an overview of the volumes on the local computer.

This volume has no drive letters assigned to it. This example takes the System Reserved volume offline, and fixes all issues. PS C:\> Repair-Volume -FileSystemLabel "System Reserved" -OfflineScanAndFix System Reserved NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 178.47 MB 550 MBĬ Contoso - C NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 41.28 GB 98.89 GBĭ Contoso - D NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 29.13 GB 67.68 GBĮ Contoso - E NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 148.44 GB 465.76 GBį Archives NTFS Fixed Healthy OK 324.13 GB 465.76 GB EXAMPLE 3 PS C:\> Get-VolumeĭriveLetter FriendlyName FileSystemType DriveType HealthStatus OperationalStatus SizeRemaining Size It uses the -DriveLetter switch to designate multiple volumes by their drive letters and SpotFix to indicate the quick fixing action. This example uses the spot verifier functionality to quickly fix volumes designation G:, H: and I. EXAMPLE 2 PS C:\>Repair-Volume -DriveLetter GHI -SpotFix It uses the -DriveLetter switch to designate the volume by its drive letter and -Scan to indicate the scanning action. This example scans the volume H: and reports errors only. Examples EXAMPLE 1 PS C:\>Repair-Volume -DriveLetter H -Scan SpotFix: Takes the volume briefly offline and then fixes only issues that are logged in the $corrupt file (equivalent to chkdsk /spotfix).

Scan: Scans the volume without attempting to repair it all detected corruptions are added to the $corrupt system file (equivalent to chkdsk /scan). OfflineScanAndFix: Takes the volume offline to scan the volume and fix any errors found (equivalent to chkdsk /f). The following repair actions are available: The Repair-Volume cmdlet performs repairs on a volume.